Wednesday, October 7, 2009

September/October 2009

Well, for some reason, the last update I wrote, did not save - sorry to all those who are trying to stay up to date with things here in Atlanta. I will try and give you a quick overview of the past 4 months!

Rhiana is doing really well. She is now enjoying 'High School' full time. She is now at 6 months post-op and has a month full of appointments and tests. She will have another MRI at the end of this month, which will determine how things have turned out with her spine surgery. She is having some pain in her left shoulderblade at the moment and is still very limited in the activities she can do (still nothing other than walking and a bit of bike riding). She is finding creative ways of picking things up (her feet are now her second set of hands!) and she is still unable to carry anything heavy. She has been diagnosed with 'Restrictive Lung Disease' since her surgery. This is due to one of her lungs being compressed by the spine - the curve was around 80 degrees and was pushing on the lung, compressing it. They had hoped that once the curve was corrected, the lung would re-inflate - however this is not the case ..... yet! Please continue to pray for Rhiana - it's still quite a battle for her and yet she remains her very cheerful and optimistic self! Love her!

Jordan is doing very well in Middle School and still loving Math! (something I cannot understand for the life of me!) He is doing really well in his new soccer team - so far they have won all their matches this season. He has continued to enjoy playing both accoustic and electric guitar and has now joined the worship band and plays twice a month - plays and jumps around the stage!!

Trev is still working full-time at REVIVE and loving every minute of it! The store is still growing (actually, it's bursting at the seams!) We have now employed over 20 part-time staff, from both the church and the community. Four of our staff have recently become Christians and two of them have now been baptised!!!!! SO EXCITING! We have recently had two other Newfrontiers churches send people to get training in starting a consignment store in their area and we really look forward to seeing those start and flourish. It really has been such a God-inspired idea in helping Church Planting!

RESTORE (the new initiative with the poor in our community) has already been affecting those around us. We are currently do a 'food run' every Friday, taking hot food and drinks to the homeless in Acworth and Woodstock. Through doing this, we have met a number of great guys (and gals), one of whom is now attending church and on the current ALPHA course!!! He has also just signed up to help on the 'set up' team on Sunday morning and has joined the team on the weekly 'food runs' to serve others in the same situation as himself! We are also serving a single lady who lives near to REVIVE who is very unwell with a brain tumor. She is struggling financially and having to live in a room at a long-stay motel. She cannot get out easily, can't drive and has almost become homeless twice since we got to know her. She has started attending Jubilee and we have someone from the church meeting with her weekly, to take her out shopping/for coffee etc. Please pray especially for a couple we are involved with helping. We got to know them around Christmas last year, after they had been living in their car. They are now coming to church and have both felt that they want to commit their lives to God and make some major changes in their lives. This has not been easy for them - in fact, it has been a HUGE battle. Please pray that God will give them both the strength they need, in getting help and trusting Him to provide for them in that. At times it has felt too much for them and yet they are still pressing forward. Please also pray for wisdom in how we should help them. We are very involved in their lives right now and are really relying on God's leading and sustaining in this very difficult situation.

Well, the sun is out and the floods have pretty much subsided around us - it was a really bad couple of weeks for a lot of neighborhoods around us. For those that hadn't heard, we had major flooding here a couple of week's ago. Many have lost their homes, and belongings. Temporary shelters where put up in various counties, and hundreds of people were evacuated and will now be trying to get their lives back on track as the shelters close. Please pray that we, as a church, will be able to bless many of these families, through REVIVE and RESTORE and that our resources stretch far enough to do so!

Thank you all for your on-going prayers and love and support. We really look forward to being back at Christmas for a couple of weeks and seeing some of you then!

God bless!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May Update

Well, Rhiana's progress has been amazing. She is now pretty much doing everything for herself - except bending and lifting - this she is not allowed to do for a couple of months yet. She will not be able to do any sport/exercise for a year but other than that she is doing great. She is 3 inches taller (same height as Mum now and still growing!!!), she is beautifully straight and learning to keep her new posture (since a lot of her muscles were so over-stretched before the surgery). She is no longer in pain which is wonderful and on no medication now! PRAISE THE LORD. She is able to now sit for long periods of time, without getting back ache (which was such a problem with the curve!) One thing we would really appreciate your prayers on - Rhiana now has a shunt in her spinal column, which is to drain off any fluid. As you know, after her brain surgery last year, she was experiencing a lot of headaches, which was because of a build up of fluid on her spinal column. In the past couple of weeks Rhiana has had a couple of fairly mild headaches when laughing or coughing and we would we ask that join us in praying that the fluid would not build up again and that the shunt (which is now surrounded with metal work and solid bone!) would do it's job and that she would be 'headache free' again! Rhiana will resume school in August when she starts High School!
Jordan is anxiously awaiting for school to end this Friday! He will then have 10 weeks holiday before starting Middle School! He is done extremely well this year and is especially happy to have been asked to join the worship team at Church, playing accoustic/electric guitar! He is trying out for a new soccer club this week and hopes to make the team so that he can get some play in during the summer holiday.
Trev has recently been asked to join the Leadership Team at Jubilee Church as an Elder which we are excited about and would appreciate your prayers towards. He is very busy, managing REVIVE, which is continually growing and making more money! We now have almost 4,000 consigners which is pretty mind-blowing. The challenge is continuing to grow in the space that we have (whoever thought that we couldn't fill 8,000 square feet was SO wrong!)
Tracy is really enjoying heading up RESTORE - Jubilee's latest initiative in helping the poor in the community. We are currently helping 9 families/individuals with varying needs and are now praying towards a venue that we can work from and would appreciate your prayers in finding somewhere and the provision of finances to rent the space. One of the ladies who came to us for help back in December last year, is now coming to church regularly with her husband and is being baptised this week!!! We are VERY excited about what God has in store for this community and are looking forward to seeing many peoples lives 'restored' and brought into the Kingdom!
That's about all for now! Thank you all for your continued love and support - we appreciate you all so much! God bless.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Sorry for the long delay in updates. Rhiana is doing very well. She is getting more and more active. We still have to help her get out of bed but she is taking walks up the road now. It is great to see her strengthening day by day and we still have not gotten used to how she looks so tall and elegant! She is still sleeping in the living room but she did do the stairs 3 times yesterday so that could soon change. Thank you so much for your prayers, love and support.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

WE ARE HOME!!!!! The pain doctors prescribed a new pain killer for Rhiana that is in the form of a patch that lasts 3 days. We decided to go with it and just come home and try it out rather than stay in hospital. So far so good. The great thing is that we do not have to wake her during the night to give her pills. The car Journey was just about bearable for her. Thank you all for your prayers.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hi Everyone! Rhiana is doing well. Infact we have the all clear to go home as soon as they get her pain medication sorted. A bit frustrating really as they should have done more about that by now. However, hopefully we will be home tomorrow. Rhiana can walk now with no other support than just my hand. We can almost get her out of bed with only one of us helping her. Please pray re the painful journey home.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good news! Rhiana has just emptied her bladder! We think that we have finally got the medication rite too!! Her breathing is still an issue but it has improved. She is still not eating but that is not too unusual. Thank you so much for your prayers. Rhiana is doing well with walking, tomorrow she has to attempt going up 5 steps.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ok so you will all be pleased to hear that Rhiana has farted. She has also walked a full lap around the nurses station. Her lung capacity has increased quite a lot too. Unfortunately Rhiana has some fairly hard things to get through still and we would appreciate your prayers. She is back on a catheter. It is almost exactly the same situation as the last surgery, they removed the catheter, Rhiana was unable to go, they re catheterised her to empty and then removed it, Rhiana was still unable to go, they catheterised her and left it in and now she has an infection down there. She is also struggling with her pain medication which is causing her to hallucinate seeing people in the room who are not there etc. Please please pray about her breathing. She is struggling to breath while she is asleep and it is horrible to watch. At its worst she only takes a breath when she is desperate for it and then she gasps for air. This often semi wakes her and she whimpers because she feels as if she is suffocating but then immediately stops breathing again. This could be due to the pain medication but they are also talking about this possibly being a lasting issue. It is also very painful still. She still has not eaten. On a positive note she has not had recurrence of the headaches that she had after the last surgery.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

No gas yet, however Rhiana has made great gains. She walked , with the assistance of her physio, from the bed to the chair, sat for a while and then walked to the bathroom and back to the bed. She also took a trip to get xrays for which she had to stand. She is very definately taller!!! One small tip, don't ever give Rhiana valium it sends her crazzzy!
Rhiana has a big big day ahead of her. She has to walk today. She has to come off the morphine today. She has the catheter removed today so that she has to make it to the bathroom from now on. If she passes gas she can eat today (there's something for all of us in the room to look forward to!) Please pray for God's strength to Rhiana and wisdom for the doctors and nurses. Her heart rate is still high but no fever
Rhiana is struggling with the pain. Hopefully today she may get up and walk a little as this will speed her recovery up. She has not eaten yet. Heartrate is still high but the fever is gone. Let's pray that she will sleep the rest of the night

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Rhiana Update

Hi everyone, thank you so much for your prayers. Rhiana’s surgery went well. She went to the operating room just after 8am and returned to us around 6.30 pm. She is not allowed to move yet and is well dosed up with morphine. She has slept nearly the whole time since the surgery. The surgeons were very pleased with the way things went. Dr Fabregas who performed the spinal fusion says that he has managed to reduce the curve from around 78 degrees to 34 degrees. That will be a very significant improvement for Rhiana. She has a few slight issues at this time, she has a slightly high temperature, her heart rate is also too high and her breathing is erratic. We value your prayers regarding these issues and also for Rhiana’s mobility and pain level when she gets moving again.

Surgery update 4/7/09

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Update

Well, it's already April and the blossom is full bloom (looks LOVELY!) and the pollen is smothering our cars, windows and anything that doesn't move! (not so lovely!) We have actually had a LOT of rain the past few weeks, so much so that Jordan has not yet been able to play a match!!!! (I know - 'soccer' really isn't English football - we don't play here if it's too hot/too cold or raining!!!) He is not a happy bunny!

We are nearing Rhiana's surgery date of 6th April and would ask you to continue to keep us in your prayers. Rhiana has experienced an overwhelming sense of peace and calm - she is amazing! God has been SO good in 'guarding our hearts and minds' these past few weeks and days - there are times we get anxious and fear creeps in (which we would appreciate your prayers for!) but generally we are able to give testimony to God's AMAZING provision at this time. Rhiana has had countless medical tests/exams etc, leading up to Monday's surgery. Her pulmonologist has advised us that currently Rhiana only has 61% lung capacity (due to the curve pressing on one lung). We are praying that after surgery this increases and she is able to resume more normal activities. We will know more in June when she is re-tested. We are about to turn our main 'living area' into Rhiana's new living accommodation for the next few weeks, since she will be unable to climb stairs straight away. For those that don't know, Debbie Osborn is flying out here after we come out of hospital to help us look after Rhiana. We are really looking forward to seeing her!

Things here are still very busy both at REVIVE and JUBILEE! The store is still exceeding our expectations in every way possible! We are continually amazed at God's provision and faithfulness. He promised, from the outset that He 'take care of the bottom line' if we continued to keep our eyes on Him and just be faithful in serving in what He has called us to do at the store. This week Trev has been installing a computerized Language Programme in the store, for the use of both staff and customers. We are really hoping to reach more of our Hyspanic community and by employing 4 Hyspanic staff and now, having Spanish / English courses available to learn in the coffee shop, we are hoping to bridge this gap. God has blessed us with such an AMAZING staff, 4 of whom, have started attending ALPHA at REVIVE on a Wednesday evening - we are so excited!!!

We are also very involved with two families right now who are in need of help and would appreciate your prayers in wisdom in how to best serve them. Both have been attending church for a few weeks and need a lot of love and support. We are so grateful that God has brought them to us and are praying that they really sense God's heart and provision in their time of need, through us, His family!

Well, that's a brief summary. I will post again as soon as I have an update on Rhiana!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March Update

Well, it's already well into March. The weather has been crazy here just lately. Last Sunday we had a downfall of snow and this Sunday the temperature was around 80 degrees! LOVE IT!

Last week we enjoyed being able to go to the Leadership Conference in Missouri. We had a GREAT time with PJ Smyth, Terry Virgo and John Lanferman sharing some superb teaching. Our good friends, Josh and Casey stayed in our house and looked after Rhiana, Jordan and the cats!!! While we were away they all went to see the Harlem Globetrotters and had a blast!

Rhiana has continued to recover from her Chiari surgery and is no longer experiencing any headaches - praise God! She is, however, experiencing increasing back pain and has to use a wheelchair when we are out and about, doing a lot of walking. She also decreased lung capacity and has a breathing treatment. This is due to the severity of the curve, which now measures over 60 degrees. This week she is due to see both a Pulmonologist and a Cardiologist who will, hopefully, clear her for surgery on the 6th April. Since the curve is very close to the heart and lungs, they need to make sure that surgery will not put her at any real risk. We would really appreciate your prayers at this time. As you can imagine, we are anxious for her and are not looking forward to seeing her go through more major surgery but we are trusting God and really seeking His strength at this time. Rhiana is doing really well with it all and is very much looking forward to growing at least 2 inches post-op!

Jordan is heading into his Soccer season and looking forward to a goal scoring record! He has enjoyed this past year at school and is doing extremely well in all his subjects but has to admit to loving Math SO much that he dreams about it!!!! (We still are not quite sure where he gets that from!) He still spends most of his spare time out in the cul-de-sac with a crowd of other kids, building camps, playing in the Creek, chasing lizards, playing four-square (!) and generally just enjoying the wonderful weather! It's a hard life!

The church is continuing to grow! Praise the Lord! We are now gathering approximately around 100 people each week and regularly have guests show up, mainly through REVIVE.

Trev is enjoying his role on the Leadership Team and is now overseeing the kids work, running our Community Group and working full time as Manager at REVIVE.

Tracy is enjoying singing in the Worship Team, being a part of the Welcome Team, has recently joined the Creative Planning Team (great fun!!!) and is leading the initiative with the poor in our Community (hopefully this will soon have a name!) We are currently supporting 3 families/individuals and are really enjoying getting to know them better. All of them have attended either the Sunday service or our Community Group and we are confident that God has more in store for each of them!

We love you all and thank you for your continued support. Have a wonderful Easter!